Flow Cytometry – Fresh Specimens


DNA Content/Cell Cycle Analysis

Test Guide

The Clinical Flow Cytometry laboratory performs DNA content and cell cycle analyses of solid tissue specimens. The laboratory’s special expertise is in DNA content measurements of premalignant diseases of the GI tract, such as Barrett’s esophagus and ulcerative colitis, where the finding of DNA content abnormalities is associated with elevated cancer risk, and the determination of ploidy in the differential diagnosis of molar pregnancies.


Specimen Requirements

From resected specimen, sample a piece of the tumor (non-necrotic, trim away normal tissue). (A corresponding sample should be submitted for histologic diagnosis and designated as such in the gross dictation). Place sample in minimum essential media (MEM) plus 10% fetal calf serum and 10% DMSO. (If you are using your own transport media, which does not contain DMSO, do not freeze.

Special Instructions

It is important not to have the sample at room temperature. Exposure to room temperature can result in degradation, which can lead to false-positive aneuploid cell populations in the sample.

The specimen label should include the patient name, identification number, and specimen source.

How to Order

  1. Please complete the DNA Flow Cytometry Requisition form

2.  Prepare the sample for submission (see Special Instructions above)

3.  Ship or carry the sample to:

UW Medicine Pathology
Clinical Flow Cytometry Laboratory
1959 NE Pacific St,  Room BB220
Seattle,  WA  98195
phone  206-598-6400     fax  206-598-8049

4.  Contact with questions:

Tom Small  ph:  (206) 598-6415

CPT Code & Cost

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University of Washington, UW Medicine Pathology.