
It may be helpful for the clinician to phone ahead to discuss the patient with the genetic counselor, Dru Leistritz, to determine if testing is appropriate and which test to select (phone number 206-543-5464).

After selecting the test, please follow these steps to order it:

1. Complete Requisition Form

Click below to download a laboratory test requisition form

Test Requisition Form Complete electronically and print; or print and complete manually

2.  Complete Billing Information (second page of Requisition Form)

Billing Instructions

3. Collect Specimen

Specimen Collection Instructions

4. Ship specimen to CDL

Shipment Instructions

5. Receive Results

Results will be faxed to you at the contact points you provided on the requisition form. 

Note: Orders need to be canceled in writing within 24 hours of sample receipt or will incur a prorated charge based on the work that has been completed as of the time of cancellation.

(optional) You’ll need the Adobe Reader to view Requisition and Consent Forms above. If you don’t have it, please click here to get it now.