Test Guide
The CDL offers targeted mutation analysis for a known familial mutation on prenatal samples (all genes) and full sequencing of the Osteogenesis Imperfecta genes (Dominant and Recessive) in pregnancies.
We ask that you notify the genetic counselor in advance (Dru Leistritz, 206-543-5464) before sending a prenatal sample. The turnaround time for prenatal testing is 5-7 days for known mutations and approximately 2 weeks for full sequencing.
Sanger Sequencing: The coding exon and flanking intron sequences known to contain the variant are amplified by PCR in a single reaction and then sequenced by automated sequencing.
Specimen Requirements
Amniocytes or Cultured CVS Cells: Two confluent T-25 flasks of cultured amniocytes or CVS cells, well-labeled as Prenatal Sample. Please call ahead to notify the CDL (206-543-5464) that a prenatal sample will be coming.
The CDL does not accept direct prep (non-cultured) samples at this time.
Single Gene, +/- array (del/dup):5 µg DNA at a minimum concentration of ≥200 ng/µl
Gene panels, +/- array (del/dup): 5 µg DNA at a minimum concentration of ≥200 ng/µl
Single site (known familial mutation or variant): 2 µg DNA
Special Instructions
For known familial mutations, please provide a copy of the original mutation report if testing was not completed at our laboratory.
If testing was not completed at our laboratory, and a positive control sample is available, there will be no charge to test any samples used as positive controls.
Ship sample at room temperature with overnight delivery.
Radiographs are welcome for analysis by Laboratory Directors.
CPT Code & Cost
81479 or 81403$350.00